Was the sense of evolution once known in its perfection?

Speaking in comparisons in order that you understand it now.

What's making the Bible so mysterious?

It’s written in comparisons in order that you don't understand.

And that is our Book of Truth?

Did you never thought about it?

Isn’t it through that a book for speculators or day-dreamers?

Hereditively we fixed it in our genes during about 2000 years.

It leaded to a hand full of wars and finally we put this book beside us by separate Church and State.

Now - at the moment that the birds are falling out of the sky and the tension between East and West is growing to a climax - more and more people are asking themselves...’’What the hell is this for a strange book.

And especially...

What is the strange predicting that the word should pure until the end of our days, but that it should stay raw on our stomach at the end of our days.

Are we doing something wrong?

What we are doing wrong?

On all levels it’s going wrong now and the human plague is eating our planet empty like a real grasshoppers-plague.

And even more curious is that the beginning of the ‘’Book of Thruth’’ begins with...

After God oversaw His Creation, saw that it was perfect and let us.

After a study of about 30 years concerning the ancient wisdom that stated that all cycles were equal I received a better view of these comparisons, the origin of this wisdom as well as the reason of this strange book.

This is my last attempt to try to discuss it with you.

Whenever you have comparisons that you think to not understand or understand, please write it to me with your interpretations or question-remarks [ to: siegfried.bok@gmail.com] . Then we publish it and discuss it on this forum.

Siegfried Bok.

for more info about my reseach : Wetenschap Eindtijd

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The origin and meaning of our Testament and The Immaculate Conception.

This is my maiden-speech for this renewed forum concerning ‘’The Book of Wisdom’’.
A maiden speech? What is the difference between a maiden and a virgin?
Isn’t it like I am a complete ‘’virgin’’ for you?
And so I hope that you can read the story as pure like being a maid or a virgin, because our Virgin Mother Earth already is suffering delivery pains.
And in spite of that ...thousands and thousands all over the world are still struggling with this Holy Book of Faith or ...
This is even more curious, because 99% the faithful don’t even think about the origin of this Holy Book of Wisdom.
For them it’s the truth and nothing more than the truth
How one interpret “all predictions, owing to which we should not understand” is absolutely no problem. Jesus was born out of Maria owing to Immaculate Conception!!!
Point, over and out!!!
One can discuss till Chronos and/or Death is takes us away, but for me it’s purely nonsense that Joseph - the husband of Maria - had nothing to do with the birth of Jesus.
I feel sorry about, but for me this is for sure one of the most intriguing predictions ever made.
Whenever you are still not convinced, I bag you to close this forum immediately.
This is for sure one of the most delicate predictions of this Holy Book of Wisdom as being another word for the Bible.

Is there somebody in the audience, who can tell me the difference between wisdom and science?
I ask it to you, because this Holy Book predicted us also that we should refind the wisdom at the end of our days by researching everything.
It even stated that the Devil of Evil should be captured at the end of our days.
Who is this Devil, who created this human plague owing to which general life is disappearing now?
Are we the Devil or is it The Church that pressed us to make as much children as possible?
What’s the reason that we do REseach in stat of search or is this only coincidence?
But ...wasn’t it let us also that the word should be pure until the end of our days?
I feel so sorry, but I don’t see any difference between the word and The Word.
For me it feels that this implies, that the cycle of life on this planet once was known perfectly and/or in perfection.
I say it, because now - at the end of our days - many of these predictions already became reality.
Mankind grew out to a plague like grasshoppers, swarms of birds fall out of the sky and the East-West confrontations rise day by day.
Isn’t that aspect already curious enough to stand still by the origin of this Wisdom?
And even more, because this Holy Book predicted that it should stay raw on our stomach at the end of our days.
Did it mean that we only consumed the Devil’s part of it?
In my humble opinion this cannot be said to atheists, because they didn’t eat this Book of ‘’believers’’.

I  can tell you that I have real indications that it was known in the ancient times in its perfection.
I was a scientist only and had an atheistic education.
In other words: The church - who was standing in the middle of our town - was for me a forbidden area. I only admired its architecture.
I studied medicine, became an “human butcher’’ and medical researcher, because it felt very strange to cut out organs without knowing why they became to ill to preserve.
Its even more strange that my colleagues - wearing white clothes like the Ku Klux Klan - seemed to do it with pleasure.
Owing to studying one receive knowledge and as the word should be pure till the end of our days it is nothing more than ‘’the edge of knowing’’.
Isn’t the edge of knowing the same as a lie and/of half the truth?
I am 100% certain that by combining all different disciplines of knowledge of today - even the Bible’s predictions - everybody should be able to read this book as being the purity itself.
But atheists don’t read the Bible and theists only believe, like Thomas the believer.
And so we still live in a confusion of tongs.

Owing to a coincidence I came in contact with the ancient wisdom of acupuncture, which found it’s cradle in ancient China.
This method of diagnosis and treatment  was found to be part of a huge philosophy concerning life: not only individual life, but about life in general.
I feel sorry to say, but your interpretation of life is still very narrow-minded.
When I speak about life in general it is really everything that exists.
They let us in a simple doctrine about life and it’s cycle-waves of ‘’va et viens’’.
They stated ‘’All cycles of the Universe or All there is are equal from a tiny atom till the whole Universe itself’’.
Isn’t it too huge to realise?
Now - after a study of about 25 years about this doctrine -  I only can say that this ancient Wisdom is the capital letter of our Holy Book and nothing more.
Now I can transform or even read this Holy book of Wisdom with all its predictions in its reality.
It’s too particular for words.
How these scientists were able to find this - sorry - Whole or Holy Wisdom is nearly to comprehend.
One can only comprehend it fractionally by watching carefully in everything that exists.
One can only comprehend it fractionally by careful observation in nature and/or the cycle-waves of the zodiac - like the Maya’s studied the stars for thousands of years.
And still it is unbelievable.
But don't forget that in the ancient Chinese dynasty already perhaps hundreds of cultures came and disappeared already.
And all these cultures let us - like a testament - their knowledge as well as their problems during their cultures.
Of course I use the word ‘’testament’’ now with a special reason.
These ancient Chinese scientist were very humble and honest and did not claim that they found it themselves, like we are used to do in science.
This nowadays attitude is the bloody nonsense, because in all specialities of science hundred or even thousand persons were all together working on these subjects for a long long time.
And they all used previous testimonies as well.
Aren’t these like ‘’ testamentary revelations’’?
Without all nowadays science I never had been able to reconstruct  this ancient Chinese science as well as the Holy Book of ‘’Believers’’.
Absolutely never!!!
I told you that I was a scientist and was searching to the possible cause of cancer-growth, that now reach epidemic proportions.
Without all previous medical work, I never had been able to solve this problem.
No, your mind goes too fast!!!
I don’t solved the problem in terms of treatment, but I found the origin of cancer-growth.
Why it was condemned?
Because in doctor's imagination it’s an enemy, that have to be killed.
It’s too sad for world, because it is ‘’an ultimate effort to try to survive’’.
And speaking in comparisons with other cycles, I simply can state that without cancer on cosmic level life on this planet never appeared.
And without the ancient knowledge of acupuncture...I fear that it then was still my problem and/or my enemy.
These ‘’masters of real fundamental science‘’ knew it already 8000 years ago!!!
I also studied pregnancy with its delivery, because I thought that in this case the opposite process was originating as it is in cancer.
I even studied biology in relation to evolution.
I used all testimonies from others and still I wasn’t able to find something, that was known already 8000 years ago.
My contact with the testimony of this ancient Wisdom - acupuncture - was really the nicest coincidence in my life.
It’s not the place here to explain all cycles, which were re-found to be all equal owing to nowadays research.
But in my humble view these ancient scientists - we know them as ancient monks - said nearly everything.
Nearly everything, because one aspect of the ‘’Whole Wisdom” staid for them as  an Holy miracle.
The origin of life of Mother Earth herself.
And therefor this received the name ‘’Immaculate Conception’’.
With our nowadays science, this is not a miracle anymore.
And finally you know also why this Holy Book of Wisdom received the name “Testament’’.

We couldn't read and still don't want to read it now or even combine it, because ....
May I name it ‘’OUR GREED TO SURVIVE’’?
It’s not the place here to discuss here all cycles of life from the atom, mankind, cultures or even the entire cosmos, which are found to be all equal.
The truth behind Immaculate Conception, our Testament and the origin of “the Holy Book of Wisdom’’ is my humble view after a reconstruction, which took  so many decades.

May I invite you for a good discussion?

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